Step Into Winter

Did you know during Winter is a time to take extra care of yourself?
This Winter create an extra care routine to boost your immunity…we have trillions of cells and each cell in our body has a job to perform. Without Tissue Salts, our cells are not able to be act as our internal GPS. We spend so much money buying supplements that we forget that if everything we are swallowing is not absorbed it is a waste of effort and money.
Maintaining proper diet and exercise routines is also necessary to ward off illness. If you find this Winter that your cravings has stepped up a notch – grab some Mag Phos to curb them as lots of sugar has a way of derailing your immunity. Another way to overcoming sugar cravings during Winter is with a high protein powder – Vital Protein is a vegan friendly protein made from yellow peas and is a great way to boost your protein levels too. Did you know you can even add this effective and dense protein to your muffins and to your soups to give them the winter wellness boost.
Boosting Omega 3 and soluble & insoluble fibre are needing during the colder months and these key ingredients are all part of this great tasting protein with added Hemp. Combining a good source of protein with complex carb is highly recommended to steer away from sugar cravings…how easy it is to simply select a great tasting and vegan friendly protein from the Vital range of proteins.
Keeping cells balanced with the minerals they need is like building strong foundations for good health. This Winter it is more important than ever before to keep your cells supported as you continue building a healthy immunity.
With shorter days and colder winter, finding the motivation to stay healthy and fit can be difficult. This can lay the foundation for a weakened immune system, posing a great risk of developing an imbalance that can easily lead to a cough or cold that can easily derail us if not jumped on immediately. This is where Schuessler Tissue Salts & Vital Protein can be added to your Winter Regime…
Ferr Phos – 1st stage of respiratory illness
Tissue Salts are Australian made in a mortar & pestle and are an effective and inexpensive minerals that can be added to your daily regime this Winter. Always remember that Tissue Salts do no interfere with any other health regimes selected.
Adding a Protein smoothie to your daily regime will naturally boost your protein levels which is key in maintaining good health especially during the colder months during this very different year we are all experiencing. We are coming out of lockdowns but this doesn’t mean we need to slow down our regime in looking after our health. It is more important than ever before to supercharge our immunity.
Step into Winter with Susan’s 10 Health Tips:
- Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap
- Keep exercising
- Eat well
- Dose up on vitamin C
- Add Vital Pea & Hemp protein to your smoothies or muffins
- Make sure you have Ferr Phos & Kali Mur at home – 1st Stage of fever, chill, sore throat
- Stay hydrated
- Rest up
- If you are a smoker now is the time to find a way to stop
- Find a skin moisturiser that adds more moisture for your skin as we are using “hand sanitizers” a few times a day now which can make our skin dry if we don’t follow up with a moisturizer.
By Susan Gianevsky
Naturopath | Homeopath | International Speaker
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