Ich liebe Naturheilkunde von Susan Gianevsky

It is with great pride and joy that I celebrate this year’s Natural Medicine Week. I was first introduced to the importance of Natural Medicine in the 90’s and this led me to leave my teaching career to undertake study in Naturopathy and Homeopathy. 30 years on & I am still as excited as I was when I first took my Tissue Salts and Bach Flowers. I was invited to work in Australia’s leading Natural Medicine company – Martin & Pleasance, which has a very long history in formulating and making natural medicines in Australia, dating back to 1855. It has remained an Australian company distributing medicines all through Australia, Canada, UK & NZ.
What I still love about Natural Medicine is that it is not foreign to the body. It is a celebration of all that nature provides us in to cope with our daily existence. I have since formulated products for Martin & Pleasance and am still the National Training Manager today.
More than ever before we are seeing the benefits of including natural medicines in our daily regime. I invite everyone to include Natural Medicine in their daily lives. Whether this be eating fresh produce, drinking more water, embracing fresh vegetables and culinary herbs to feel uplifted by the gifts nature has created for each of us. This Natural Medicine Week start building a healthier you by saying yes to all that is NATURAL. Open yourselves to the advances of Natural Medicine and the gifts it can provide our longevity.
It is our birthright to be healthy and make this Natural Medicine Week your week of change.
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